Goals Take Time

2 min readJun 23, 2017

I still remember watching an early episode of Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations” in the library at college when I surely should have been cramming. I think it was season 4 of his now defunct Travel Channel show. During his Spain episode, he went to this micro-cannery on the Balearic Sea called “Espinaler”. The gig is you buy a tin of pristine seafood canned at the height of freshness and chase it with local cava. At that moment the chance of experiencing that felt as far fetched as me playing left wing for the Tampa Bay Lightning. 7 years later, I was a 45-minute train ride away, I made the trip and it was exactly what I thought it would be, perfect. That day I realized goals take time and those Spaniards really know how to treat seafood.

Reggie Milligan, Co-Founder at Mantry

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